Emirates Sydney CTO

Emirates CTO – Sydney

Emirates is a fast growing international airlines, with rapid growth in Australian market, Emirates committed to relocate their Sydney Sales office in larger space to accommodate their growing Sales and Admin requirements and to provide a new Ticketing office, that would reflect specific guide lines from Dubai, maintaining uniform standards and image of their business globally. Materials and furniture were sourced locally to match already established standards.

Sales and Admin teams were setup initially on the floor, with all support areas including large conference facility & comms room, to overcome their immediate growth demand.

Ticketing Office followed straight after, housing 4 x Ticketing counters, waiting and display areas to match Emirates latest front office standards. The key features were the new back-lit glass ticketing counters, the raised coffer ceiling with indirect and feature lighting, the red brochure display and storage unit against one wall centred to coffer ceiling axis, large poster display on the wall flanking Emirates Logo.

Special attention was paid to the details and application of Corporate branding imagery and signage.